Would you like to get involved?

Opportunities to volunteer

There are lots of ways to take part as a volunteer:

  • Join our team of Community Editors for the website
  • Help collect, record and transcribe local memories and tales
  • Help out with events and activities

Give as much or as little time as you can spare

Community editors

A team of volunteer editors update this site. We sub-edit and publish the pages that are submitted to Herts Memories. Editors take it in turn to edit the site, so the demands on your time will not be high.  Editors meet approximately every 6 weeks to share progress, discuss any issues and make plans for the development of the site.

We will give you free training. You do not have to be a computer expert – none of us were before we had the training!

If you don’t own a computer at home, don’t worry. You can use a public computer at Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies or at your local library.

Help out with events and activities

We organise events throughout the county to encourage people to add their memories and pictures to the website. You could either help us with an event, or organise your own.

Want to get involved and make new friends? Contact us to find out more.

This page was added on 20/07/2009.

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