The Diaries of Arthur Peck, February 1862

Audio footage of extracts from Arthur's diary

Read by Ian Fisher

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5th February 1862  

Very fine and very mild. We were at work at home. Father had a letter from David. Father and Mother went to Watton, took Lilla home. We had a new ferret from Thuragood. We went to Cowbridge Chapel at night, heard Mr W. from the 8th chap. Romans 29th & 30th verses. DB at Hancocks. She came to Hearn’s Essay on Anglo Saxons, not up to much. I went home with her.  Emma at tea at Mr Errington.  

6th February 1862  

Very fine and very mild. I, Father, Joe and Mr. Brett went rabbit shooting at Mr B. Young’s. Killed 14, we had 3. Mr Brett came here to tea. DB went to St Andrews Church, heard Mr. Warleigh. I went for a walk with her. I was very tired, had a sore throat. Very fine night.  

10th February 1862  

Sharp frost and fine. We were at work at home. Some men broke in a house at the back of the Blue Coats School. We buried old Smoker. We went out with the dog, no go. I went down to DB at night. Joe went to School. Pris and Emma went to singing class at Cowbridge.  

18th February 1862  

Showery and very mild. I and Joe were fixing an old marble box chimney piece at Mr. Mansell. We went to Mr. Vincent’s lecture at night at Town Hall. I went for DB and home with her. That young Bettinson was an annoyance to the Meeting. Very fine night. I was very tired, had a sore throat. Joe took tickets.  

21st February 1862  

Very fine and mild. We were at work at home. DB birthday, 23. She had a tea service from Mr. A. Munnings. I insured my life for £100 in the British Equitable Office, to be had at 60 years old. I and Joe went to School. I went down to DB at night. I was very tired. Very fine night and cool.  

26th February 1862  

Very fine and very cold. We were at work at home. I went to hear the trial of Briggs, Collins, and Stevens for stealing and receiving oats, Stevens got off, the other 2 had 6 months. I drove Patty and baby part the way to Watton. Old Nelson brought me a rabbit in a trap out of a wood. I went to School at night. Our people went to Chapel Meeting, and to hear Partridge’s Essay on Poetry. Emma came home from Watton. I and DB had a cold. I went down to her at night. Very cold wind. I minded house till 8 o’clock.

This page was added on 15/12/2010.

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