by Isla Monks, age 6

by Isla Monks age 6

When my mum was very young…

she and her brothers used to play in the street.

You would think that is fine.

But one day, one of my mum’s brothers bicycled across the pavement then his neighbour threw a stone at him. [MUM EXPLANATORY NOTE: She was cross about the noise he was making; she was a cantankerous lady!]

My mum’s dad saw the neighbour throw the stone. He was cutting up trees [with an axe]

He came over to the neighbour, forgetting to put the axe away, and when the neighbour saw him she got really frightened a lot [and she was] never being mean again.

The end.


This page was added on 15/04/2020.

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  • Love this story.

    By Kerry Lanigan (01/05/2020)