Stand-alone in support of Herts Pride

Andrew Waite

Impactful Governance showing support at Herts Pride 2021
This page was added on 06/03/2022.

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  • Since running Impactful Governance for seven years now, we have seen a lot of changes and improvements (or decline) in various areas.
    In 2021 we did our first LGBTQ research in Hertfordshire.
    By 2022, we had to do a follow-up on a wider scale to see why the Trans community were being isolated from protection against conversion therapy.
    We could clearly see in 2023 through our next LGBTQ Health Inequalities research that nothing had changed to support the LGBTQ communities. It was then we thought “stuff this” and created our own charity called Impactful Lives (charity no. 1203136).
    Since launching in 2023 the participants have doubled, we are supporting people through individual Mentoring or group Peer support and providing additional support for a range of complex needs including:
    Neighbour disputes
    Drug and substance misuse
    Domestic abuse
    Financial abuse
    Parents support
    Reducing self harm and suicide
    Disability support
    Coming out help
    Child & Adolescent advice
    Social activities
    Blankety Snatch game
    And the first ever “Watford Pride Picnic” in June 2024.

    We are open to everyone and supporting the LGBTQ movement.

    By Andrew Waite (14/03/2024)