Writing as a group on Zoom - Part 2

Ros Cloke

John Prebble
Alex McIntyre

A week later and we were back for more!

This session was much more about refining what we’d written but rather than doing this in a critical way, think of your ideas as seedlings,

“Let the seedlings grow, nourish them rather than blowing cool breeze over them.”

The gift of writing (or creating anything) is finding something that resonates with someone else.

Telling a story can be thought of as an arc. The arc for the writer and the reader can be different.


Our fire kindler activity this week was to draw our story arc. Where do we start? Where do we travel? What does it look like? What does it smell like? What does it feel like? What colour is the story?


I found writing much harder this week and my old friend the critical voice started to creep in. Is this good enough? That needs to change and what were you thinking.

After our time of writing, we came back together as a group and some of us were brave enough to share what we’d written (I wasn’t!) It was amazing to hear stories in their infancy, stories in their entirety, stories on a journey. John and Alex provided encouragement and feedback for each and every one of us to keep going.


I haven’t shared my story yet but some of my fellow Zoom creative writers have. Take a look at Delirium and me, I found my peace and the sheepskin jacket to enjoy the results.

This page was added on 06/10/2021.

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